1. Feet planted firmly on the ground
2. Create a small arch in your lower back
3. Bring elbows together, not hands (basically the weights shouldn’t touch at peak contraction)
4. Inhale on the extension and exhale on contraction
1. Seat should be adjusted so handles are at chest height
2. Keep feet planted on the floor and head aligned with your spine
3. Start by gripping each handle firmly
4. Bring elbows together, not hands (basically the weights shouldn’t touch at peak contraction)
5. Inhale on the extension and exhale on contraction
1. Feet planted firmly on the ground
2. Hands placed slightly more than shoulder width apart
3. Elbows in, facing each other
4. Inhale on the extension and exhale on contraction
1. Start by gripping each handle firmly
2. Dip by bending your arms until your shoulders are below your elbows. Then come back up.
3. Lean forward when you dip
4. Make sure you don’t lock your elbows at peak contraction
5. Inhale on the extension and exhale on contraction
1. Get in athletic stance with weights
2. Hands should always be lower than elbows and shoulders
3. Arms out to the side and slightly in front of you
4. Proceed to raise arms up in front of you, one at a time, never raising weights higher than eye-level
1. Get in athletic stance with weights
2. Hands should always be lower than elbows and shoulders
3. Arms out to the side and slightly in front of you
4. Proceed to raise arms up on either side, evenly
1. Start off with planting your feet firmly on the ground
2. Lift your body off the seat to grab weight
*Do not grab weight while sitting and lock your elbows*
Slightly lean forward with armpits on pad
3. Keep your wrists locked with your palms facing down
4. Curl the weight up keeping your arms on the bench until your forearms are at a 45-degree angle
5. Inhale on the extension and exhale on the contraction